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29 de junho de 2011

Texto: The Human Races

The word 'race' is primarily a biological term and denotes [indica] a group of man differenciated by anatomical characteristics. None [ninguém] of them shows any fundamental or far-reaching [extensa] differences among [entre] the races. There are some important and essential features [características] that differentiate us of another kinds of species. It is only in minor, secondary attributes such as [tais como] shape of skull [forma do crânio], form of nose, texture of head hair, quantity of body hair and colour os skin that is any measurable [medível] or appreciable difference among the various racial groups. The biblical story of the commom origins of the human race has not been [não estava] contradicted by any modern scientific discovery. 

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Quem escreveu o artigo:
Davi Farias Davi Farias
Tenho 16 anos de idade e estudo inglês sozinho a mais 8 anos; sou auto - ditada. Ainda curso o Ensino Médio e pretendo me formar em Letras Inglesas/Liguística Geral. Link para twitter 

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